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Casual Conversation Phrases


Let me introduce myself is a polite way to introduce yourself (if no one introduces you.)

Nice to meet you is a pleasant, friendly way to greet someone you’ve met for the first time.

Likewise is a way to say, “in a like manner, similarly.”

Expressing surprise or disbelief

Really? What? Are you serious? Are you joking? No way!

Negative questions are asked when the questioner expects the person to agree with what they are asking.

Why don’t... Why don’t we go to a movie tonight?

Aren’t you... Aren’t you going to call him this morning?

Idioms and phrasal verbs

head expresses the idea of movement towards a specific destination.

Let’s head to town! or He’s heading for trouble.

awesome is used when you think something is extremely impressive; inspiring great admiration.

The Big Apple is awesome!

free time time that is free from duties or responsibilities; when you can do what you want.

I like to study English in my free time.

pick...up go somewhere to collect someone or something; typically in your car.

I’ll pick you up at your hotel at 6:00 tonight.

grab a bite to eat get something to eat that can be eaten quickly.

We can grab a bite to eat before the show.

How about... used to make a suggestion or offer.

How about an ice cream?

Now that you mention it... an expression used when you remember or realize something because of something someone else said.

Now that you mention it, I’d like to learn about your culture.

By the used to introduce a topic that is not directly connected with what is being spoken about.

By the way, aren’t you staying at the Best Western?

Sounds like a plan. indicates agreement with a proposed suggestion.



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